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First follow-up appointment costs £55, and £45 thereafter.

Company Registration Details

This organisation is listed on Jersey Financial Services Commission as Carpathia Natural Health Ltd, further details on then link below.

British Crown Icon View on Jersey Financial Services Commission

Preferred Pharmacy

Roseville Pharmacy Logo

To the best of our knowledge Roseville Pharmacy is the default pharmacy patients are referred to for this clinic.

Opening Times

9:00am to 5:00pm
9:00am to 5:00pm
9:00am to 5:00pm
9:00am to 5:00pm
9:00am to 5:00pm
Clinic DescriptionPatient Reviews

About Carpathia

Medical Cannabis Treatment in Jersey for people suffering from chronic pain, neurological conditions and mental health disorders.

Our mission is simple: If we can help you, we will.

We understand how daily pain from physical or mental health can be debilitating. If there’s a chance we can help reduce that pain to help you live an easier life, we will offer all the support you need to get you feeling like yourself again. Our aim is to offer better care to lead to better lives.

Our vision of the future for natural healing pathways is bright. As increasing medical research leads to innovative advancements, we discover more healing potential in natural medicines. We want to be at the forefront of this exciting time in natural medicine and help more people to live better lives, naturally.

Clinic Price List

Sign-Up Consultation £75.00
(or) Swap to Clinic Free
First Follow-Up £55.00
General Consultation £45.00

Information on Appointment Pricing

It costs £75.00 for an initial sign-up consultation at Carpathia as a new patient, existing CBPM patients currently registered at other clinics can switch for a reduced cost of £0. You're also required to have a follow-up with a specialist after your first month costing £55.00. Generally, most clinics will offer a free initial screening assessment; sometimes by online questionnaire, in other cases simply by calling and talking to clinic staff about your specific condition(s).

Each general consultation at this clinic costs £45.00, which is required a minimum of every 3 months for long-term patients after repeat prescriptions inbetween. New patients are often required to have a specialist follow-up after their first consultation to check for adverse reactions and generally suitability, there is the possibility additional will be required dependent on specific patient circumstances.

This clinic offers completely free repeat prescriptions of previously prescribed medication(s).

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